Manchester CRF conducts a wide array of early phase and experimental research studies at six dedicated facilities, based within NHS teaching hospitals across Greater Manchester.
Each CRF provides a dedicated space and a safe, quality-assured environment, for delivering studies and are staffed by qualified, registered Clinical Research Nurses, providing:
- Full bedside monitoring equipment for the investigator
- Point-of-care equipment
- Clinical bays
- Outpatient treatment chairs
- Consultation rooms
- A full emergency resuscitation service
Specialist equipment is available to support research studies undertaken in dedicated CRF sites such as cancer trials at Manchester CRF at The Christie, and respiratory studies at Manchester CRF at Wythenshawe Hospital.
Our Facilities
Manchester CRF at The Christie Hospital
The largest single-site comprehensive cancer centre in Europe, treating more than 60,000 patients annually. Home to our dedicated specialist oncology early phase research.
Facilities include:
- Outpatient, day-case and overnight ward areas, supporting patient recruitment, screening assessments and delivery of all phases of complex oncology studies including complex immunotherapy and Immune Effector Cell/CAR-T therapy.
- Access to additional specialist facilities including MR-Linac and Proton Beam Therapy (PBT).
Manchester CRF at Manchester Royal Infirmary (MRI)
The Manchester CRF at MRI supports adult and paediatric studies across a diverse range of clinical speciality areas, and provides a dedicated space and a safe, quality-assured environment, for delivering studies across all phases of research in patients of all ages – particularly Phase I and II complex and high-intensity clinical research studies.
Facilities include:
- Point-of-care equipment throughout
- Two 4-bed bays, which can be used for male and female participants
- Seven clinic rooms that can be used for a range of study activities, including consultations, examinations and assessments
- Human Performance Laboratory
- Minor Procedures Suite
- MRI Scanner

Manchester CRF at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (RMCH)
Manchester CRF at RMCH was the first specialist children’s facility in the North West and is one of only a handful across the UK.
With access to all of the hospital’s state-of-the-art equipment and resources, children can take part in research studies alongside on-going treatment.
Facilities include:
- Inpatient, day case and outpatient areas
- Teen-zone, playroom, parents room, treatment room – all co-designed with patients and their families and carers
- Audiology suite – supporting studies including testing for hearing loss in babies and bone conduction hearing devices in children

Manchester CRF at Wythenshawe Hospital
Manchester CRF at Wythenshawe Hospital established its dedicated experimental medicine facilities in 2012 and specialises in early phase research in clinical areas including respiratory medicine (asthma, chromic cough, COPD), cystic fibrosis, and breast cancer.
Facilities include:
- Adult and paediatric pulmonary physiology laboratories, for lung function assessment, spirometry, multiple breath washout, cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
- Challenge chambers for inhalational airway challenges including methacholine, histamine, allergen.
- Specialised technologies include advanced cardiac and lung imaging (ventilation MRI), ambulatory cough monitoring, exhaled breath volatiles and measurement of ventilation heterogeneity.